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Association of Baha'i Women � Scotland
Secretary: Shelagh Gudmundsson
Divine Justice demands that the rights of both sexes should be equally respected since neither is superior to the other in the eyes of Heaven... Human virtues belong equally to all!
(From a talk given by `Abdu'l-Bah� in Paris, 1911)
The remit of the Association of Bah�� Women in Scotland is to promote �the principle of the equality of men and women by helping Bah�� women realise their potential, and the community as a whole to come to terms with the advancement of women�, and in external affairs:
  • To raise the profile of the Faith in Scotland in issues relating to women.
  • To assist the Bah�� Council for Scotland in this work.
Here in Scotland we have a wonderful opportunity to consult with the decision makers in the Scottish Parliament and the Board is eager to encourage everyone to approach any member with plans or ideas they have. We can accomplish great things if we all work together.
From The Scottish Baha'i #30, Winter 2002
ABW Glasgow Conference, November 2002
A one-day conference, organised by the Association of Baha�i Women, was held on Saturday 16th November 2002 in Glasgow.
The conference, entitled �Weird Wonderful and Wise� turned out to be not too weird, definitely wonderful, and full of wise females!
Mandy Hepburn welcomed the participants and, after encouraging talks by Lizbeth Thomson and Maureen (our new member), we are sure new local Association of Bah�� Women branch groups will be springing up all over Scotland!
Everyone who attended enjoyed the friendly and intimate atmosphere, and benefited from sharing the two morning workshops on gender and equality issues. After lunch a representative from the Association of Muslim Women, Mrs Farkunda Choudry, gave a very interesting talk on being a Muslim woman in 21st Century Scotland. She was an excellent speaker and seemed very much at ease answering all the questions we posed. She also expressed her interest in future interfaith activities. The conference closed on a light note as inspiring, comical and thought -provoking stories were enthusiastically read by Carrie Varjavandi, Sonya Habibi-Sier and Maureen Sier.
The Falkirk branch of the Association is holding a one day workshop, run by Carrie Varjavandi, on banner making, to be held in Mrs Farzin�s home on Saturday 14th December � please contact Carrie direct if you would like to attend.
Plans are in the offing for a residential meeting in the spring to enable us to balance the time spent in study with sharing time together as friends. For those of you who could not manage to come to the conference, it was so good to hear from you and we hope you can come to future events. We would like to extend an invite to all our women in Scotland to �Watch this space�.